Friday, February 11, 2011

My funny Valentines

I'm sure that when Jocelyn is older I'll actually enjoy looking at the assortment of pre-made Valentine's Day cards that our local grocery store offers.  Until then, each year is the same:  I find myself stuck in the tiny section of cards that would pass as "boy themed", trying to remember if enough time has passed since we chose the insect or Spiderman cards for their valentines, and if they'll remember having handed them out to their friends the previous year.  I can't remember what I ate for breakfast, much less if we're on the Year of the Insect or Year of the Super Hero in our rotation.  You can imagine my dilemma!  :-) Let's be honest - Valentine's Day is really for us ladies.  I'm teaching my boys to be good to the women in their lives on this Hallmark Holiday, but I also want them to have some fun with the giving part of it.  Jack and his classmates were asked to make boxes for their valentines this year.  After Googling "boy themed valentines" (which, btw, gave me nothing to work with), we started looking at my Cricut cartridges for inspiration.  He chose a crab, and we were lucky to find more beachy (that's a word, right?) items to dress it up a bit. I cut out the items, but Jack decided where everything should be placed and decorated the box himself.  He asked to make his own valentines using the same design.  I think he did a pretty fantastic job!
This, luckily, led to Ben asking to make his own cards, too.  He's not really into animals, but that kid loves basketball.  Both of the older boys are playing on an Upward basketball league this winter and if Ben could go to practice seven days a week, he would.  He chose a hoop & ball from my Sports Mania cartridge.  He took such care signing his name to each card, and counted them twice to make sure that we had enough for each of his classmates.  He's such a sweet boy!

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